Chicks & Ducklings
The following are the projected arrivals. Due to various circumstances, breeds and arrival dates may vary. We have limited quantities which can run out quickly, but don't worry, our next shipment is usually just around the corner, and will continue until late summer or early fall.
Arriving in 2024
Chick are usually available starting at 11 AM on arrival day. Please call for verification.
Last Updated 9/17/2024
Aug 22
Bantam, Frizzle Cochin
Blue Star
Cream legbar
Easter Egger
Guinea Fowl (assorted)
Leghorn, White
Maran, Cuckoo
Mottled Houdans
Oliver Egger
Silkie (assorted)
Sept 5
Bantam (Unsexed)
D'uccle (Assorted)
Easter Egger
Guinea Fowl (Assorted)
Orpington, Buff
Orpington, Lavender
Rhode Island Red
Silkie (Assorted)
Star, Blue
Star, Red
Wyandotte, Silver Laced
Sept 26
Australorp, Black
Bantams, Frizzle-Cochin
Cornish Rock
Easter Egger
Guinea Fowl (Assorted)
Legbar, Cream
Leghorn, White
Orpington, Buff
Rhode Island Red
Silkie (Assorted)
Star, Black
Star, Blue
August 12
Assorted, Female
Assorted, Male
Call Duck, Pastel
Call Duck, Penciled
Call Duck, White
Golden 300 Hybrid, Female
September 4
Assorted Breeds
October 1
Assorted Breeds
Poultry Care
OK, so you're ready to start your flock, but did you know we have everything you need to make sure they grow up healthy and happy? That includes heat lamps, thermometers, bedding, coops, and even complete starter kits. When you purchase your birds, be sure to ask about the needs they will have in their first precious weeks of life. Their health is our happiness!