We have a nice assortment of housing options for your outdoor pets. It’s important to keep your outdoor pets safe from the elements, and we…
We often get rare animals in stock here at Mike’s. Right now, we have this beautiful female ball python. These spectacular creatures are popular due…
Plankton may not be your first thought when you hear the word banquet, unless you’re a fish, that is. Giant Plankton Banquet, Mini Plankton Banquet,…
Do you love bird food? We’re sure your lovebird loves bird food. And we’d bet your lovebird would really love Vita Prima food for lovebirds!…
The ornate box turtle is a terrestrial turtle native to the great planes of the US, and is often found in grasslands spending more time…
We have quail in stock at Mike’s! Did you know, in nature, it’s the male that usually incubates the eggs and tends to the young,…
Some people refer to butterfly koi as being the mutts of the koi world, while others say they are the most beautiful koi of all.…
Are you a turtle fan? We have a cute red eared box turtle at Mike’s waiting for a great home. These guys are one of…
What better way to ring in the New Year than with a gargoyle gecko! The gargoyle gecko is a species of gecko found only on…
Happy Holidays to you and your family, from the entire crew, including Santa Catfish, here at Mike’s Feed and Pets!