Also known as Sceloporus malachiticus, or green spiny lizard. The Emerald Swift is a species of small lizard in the Phrynosomatidae family, native to Central…
Ducklings are in NOW at Mike’s! We have: Pekin Rouen Swedish Black Swedish Mixed Goslings
Demand for baby chicks has been high lately! To help, every now and then the opportunity arises to get more, which are not on our…
We have reptiles at Mike’s! By the time you read this, these two beautiful baby Nile Monitors will probably be gone, but we have other’s,…
Spring is here, and chicks are in at Mike’s! See the list of projected arrivals on our website. Don’t forget that they are VERY young…
THE NEW GENERATION OF PEE PADS! If dogs were allowed on the international space station, we think this is what they would use! Bark Potty…
Mmmm! Don’t these salt bricks look tasty? Well, if you were a horse you would be saying YES!
We have ducklings at Mike’s RIGHT NOW! And talk about cute!
Most people don’t realize just how important bees are to our ecosystem. Help nature do it’s thing with the Honeycomb Modular Mason Bee House, which…
Did you know we have potting soil? In fact, we have a small gardening department in our farm store!