And Merry Christmas from Mike’s Feed & Pets in San Leandro!
Baby it’s cold outside! It’s also cold inside, but that doesn’t stop us from providing frozen yogurt dog treats for your K9 loved ones!
Taste of the Wild canine recipe! Both Pacific Stream and High Prairie are on sale! Only $39.99 per 28lbs bag, for a limited time, here…
Our everyday low prices on Professional+ dog food are low, everyday!
These convicts will steal your heart! Convict fish, here at Mike’s!
The Banggai cardinalfish is a striking fish with it’s contrasting stripes, and we have one here at Mike’s!
We know, it’s not appropriate to take a picture of someone while they’re taking a bath, but this Cinnamon Ball Python and Yellow Belly Ball…
Everyday low prices on Diamond Pro89 Dog food! Packed with protein and fortified with amino acids from energy-dense sources, Diamond Pro89 provides adult dogs the…
Do I look like a Picasso? I’m here at Mike’s, waiting to meet you!
An amazing creature which can clean parasites from fish and eels, and even the mouth of a large Grouper. It’s also kinda cute!