… at Mike’s!
Mike’s would like to thank James Madison Elementary, Room 34, for thanking us with this beautiful thank you poster card!
At Mike’s, our everyday low prices are like chicken soup for the soul, especially our everyday low price on Chicken Soup for the Soul!
Don’t be afraid, this beautiful Colombian Boa is only a baby. When it grows up, then you can be afraid! Here at Mike’s we’re not…
All dog & cat toys & treats are currently buy 3, get the 4th FREE! Only at Mike’s Feed and Pets!
Mr. and Mrs. Bearded Dragon have moved into the neighborhood! Come meet the happy couple, here at Mike’s!
It’s two friendly baby Sun Conure parrots, here at Mike’s! Come see!
This African Vittatus Tigerfish is scaring all the other fish in our store with it’s menacing, dagger-shaped, interlocking teeth capable of ripping flesh out of…
This is the dawning of the age of aquariums! In other words, we have fish homes, here at Mike’s!
Dry-Tech Dog Pads are absorbent pad which help housebreak your pet! They have a natural scent that attracts your pets to the pad, and are…