Did you know the Society Finch is a domesticated species that is not found in the wild? They are found at Mike’s, however. So if…
It’s around this time of the year when all weeds and field grasses have dried up and get stuck in your pup’s fur. Here at…
The Little Giant Automatic Poultry Waterer is designed for adult birds and is far grade tough, yet it’s easy to use. Just hook it up…
Why are they called guinea pigs when they are actually rodents? Maybe they should be called guinea rodents. Never the less, we have two here…
Also known as a Golden, Syrian, or Fancy Bear, these little puff balls are incredibly cute and cuddly, which probably accounts for their popularity. We…
No Worries Training Pads are great for dogs of all ages! Even dogs with control issues. When your dog uses the pad reward them with…
These entertaining birds enjoy being social and are often quieter than other conure species. They can even learn tricks and words. These are great for…
We have some extremely cool birds at Mike’s right now! Check out this beautiful, young, hand fed, Indian Ringneck parakeet. This species is an Asiatic…
Mike’s Feed and Pets is now partnering with Teeth Genie, which is mobile dentistry for your dogs and cats. Give them a call at (650)…
We have another chinchilla ready for a home. Cute, cuddly, soft, can you say AWWW?!